Life Groups
Why Join A Life Group?
Life Groups present an opportunity to move through life with other believers. Whether it's sharing a meal together, studying Scripture, or simply being with fellow Christians. Life Groups are designed for the family of Christ to come together as
“all people, living as family, serving God."
Ladies Group
Beginning February 8 | Saturdays @ 10:00am | study on the book of James
Group Leader: Vicki W.
This group will meet at Panera.
Ladies Group
Beginning January 3 | Fridays @ 12:00pm | study on James by John MacArthur.
Group Leader: Ruthe M.
This group will meet in Room 1 in the FLC.
College & Career Group
Beginning TBD | TBD | study, TBD
Group Leader: Pastor Brandon
This group will meet - TBD.
Adult/Family Group
Beginning January 6 | Mondays at 6pm | study, 1 & 2 Kings
Group Leader: Seth J.
This group will meet in Room 1 in the FLC.
Adult/Family Group
Beginning January 5 | Sundays at 5:30pm | study on 1 Peter
Group Leader: Bubba H.
This group meets in the Sanctuary.
Adult Group
Beginning January 9 | Thursdays at 6:00pm | study on Gospel of John
Group Leader: John B.
This group meets in homes.
For more information, or to join a group, please email or call the church office.
Phone: 352-748-2392
Send us a message on Facebook or Instagram